​Norseman Apartments


In the heart of the Great Western Woodlands

Norseman Visitor Centre

Located on the corner of Prinsep St and Ramsay St. The friendly staff can assist with information of local attractions & other destinations in WA. 

The Community Resource Centre is also located there, and include computer &  internet facilities and Centrelink services. 

Woodlands Cultural, Community and Visitor Centre


Local Attractions

The Shire of Dundas spans from Eucla Coast at the border of WA & SA, to the west along the Norseman/Hyden Rd. There is much to explore and local maps & information is available at the Norseman Visitor Centre.

Attractions » Shire of Dundas

Ngadju People and Culture

The Ngadju  have lived on country between Kalgoorlie and Esperance for perhaps as long as 50,000+ years.  Like most aboriginal tribal groups, the Ngadju people developed their own language and are proud of their important role as carers and custodians of their land.

Being spiritual people, they practiced sacred ceremonies and dances and many sites of significance remain important places for men and women to connect to country today. The Ngadju Dancers of the Norseman Ngadju people are the first and only traditional dance group from the Norseman, Esperance, and surrounding southern WA Goldfields region to perform in public, including at the Sydney Opera House. 

In 2014, after an 18-year legal battle, the Ngadju people’s traditional ownership of 102,000 square kilometers of land surrounding the town of Norseman was recognized, including exclusive native title over approximately 42,000 square kilometers.  On 7th October 2015, the Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (NNTAC) was established as the Prescribed Body Corporate.  The Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation acts as an agent for the native title rights and interests of the Ngadju people of southern Western Australia.   

Ngadju Conservation - Rangers care for much of the Great Western Woodlands (GWW) putting land management and conservation skills into practice to manage their country.  

The Great Western Woodlands - Birdlife

Great Western Woodlands - Norseman is located in the heart of the Great Western Woodlands.  The 16 million hectare GWW is the largest remaining area of intact Mediterranean-climate woodland on Earth. With over 200 species of birdlife it is a Twitcher's delight.

To find out more, enjoy this link to Bird life of the GWW